Audiobook now available!
The response to the book published in January 2023 has been phenomenal. The feedback via email and in-person has been great, but MOSTLY, we have heard, “When does the audio version come out?”
Based on the tremendous number of print book sales and requests via email, phone, and at live seminar events across the U.S., Roger and Matt Dodd released the audio version of Cross-Examination for Depositions: Your Depositions Are Now Your Trials in March 2024.
The audiobook features the following:
A professional narrator who takes you through the bulk of the 272-page book, including all 13 chapters — approximately 10 hours of voice instruction.
Roger and Matt Dodd lending their voices to all 30 practice tips.
Matt and a variety of other voice talent acting out the question-and-answer sections spread throughout the book.
David Ball, with his one-of-a-kind voice bringing to life the forward he graciously wrote.
For the first time, and not included in the print edition, bonus material consisting of discussions between Matt and Roger on some of the most important practice tips and techniques.